I have several real estate forms I need to fill out, sign and return by email. For some reason, the “security” settings won’t allow me to turn it into a form in Acrobat. The description of this app sounded appealing. Unfortunately, the interface is cumbersome, so much so that it would be WAY faster for me to print out the forms, fill them out by hand, sign them and scan them. What it really needs to do is RECOGNIZE where there are blanks, and allow you to fill them in. Instead, you have to click on where you want a text box to appear. You then have to manually size the text, which is then not centered on the line. You have to manually move the text onto the line. This process makes every single line — no matter how small, e.g. date of birth — take about 30 seconds. I could fill the entire form in by hand in about a minute or two.
This might be useful for documents that you ONLY need to sign, but it’s not useful for forms.
ArsCerebri about Sign It! - Fill & Sign PDFs